Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International

Global Prayer


Announcing the FGBMFI WORLD CONVENTION 2024 Honduras San Pedro Sula JULY 18-20, 2024

195+ Countries - 8.1 Billion People - 7,000+ Languages

Pray and fast for this List of 10 Prayer Requests

I. For a chapter in each nation where there is no current fellowship in order that a new chapter could be the seed that God uses for the salvation of that nation. May God raise up new leaders, men and women who love Him and who have a real commitment.

II. For the Awakening of the Sleeping Giant of Evangelism. May it be through the power of the Holy Spirit of God that members of the fellowship with their testimonies impact the hearts of the people. Not only around them but remotely with the use of technology and media.

III. For the ingathering of the great final harvest in this new Season of Revival.

IV. Unity, Humility and Obedience from International Leadership to each servant of each nation. Knowing that this only can be achieved in unity with Jesus Christ as the fruit of our love towards God.

V. Servants who walk in love and holiness as a fruit of our intimacy with God.

VI. For our International President Francis Owusu and his wife Jennifer.

VII. For the International Board of Directors, International Directors, Directors of Special Ministries (School of the Vision, Global Prayer, Media and advertising), Regional Vice-Presidents and all the leaders within our organization.

VIII. For the leaders of each nation including the President, Ministers, Directors and leadership of each government.

IX. For the Presidents of FGBMFI in each nation and their Boards of Directors, as well as ladies and youth leaders.

X. For the Chapter Presidents and their Boards of Directors, as well as ladies and youth Coordinators.

Europe Prayer Shortlist

  • For at least 1 FGBMFI Chapter to be established in every European nation and Globally
  • That chapter members may be empowered and be ambassadors of Jesus and the VISION wherever they go, and that signs follow their testimony
  • For the 3 Pillars : School of the Vision, Global Prayer, Media & Publicity
  • For young people to join FGBMFI
  • For UNITY and LOVE amongst FGBMFI and Christians worldwide
  • For RECONCILIATION and UNITY with groups split off from FGBMFI
  • For PEACE and JUSTICE in Europe and in the Middle East

Pray and fast for the inhabitants of the world

RegionPopulation (2023)
Latin America and the Caribbean664,997,121
Northern America378,904,407

Data as provided at worldOmeter

Pray that the Lord may send laborers into the harvest of 8.1 Billion souls.
Pray for the countries where there is no FGBMFI yet, so that God helps us to bring the light, through prayer as a beginning, so that we can open that nation, placing it at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray for people who do not have a relationship with God, so that we as part of FGBMFI may be carriers of the plan of Salvation, with our own strategy that was given to us, sharing our personal testimonies, in order that all may be reached with the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Pray for the intercessors of all nations, let us ask the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers and that the leaders support the ministry of Intercession as a basis for returning to our spiritual roots.
Pray for funds and helpers to make supporting materials like the book "The Happiest People on Earth", the books written by Demos, and VOICE magazines available in all 7,000+ languages.
Pray for PEACE and JUSTICE in the world. Pray that the nations and ethnic groups inside the nations may be at peace with each other.
Pray for all men, for kings and all those in authority in the nations. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 KJ21
Pray for protection and guidance for christians active in government, political institutions, and other positions of authority.
Pray that God and Jesus are welcomed in educational institutions.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 KJ21

Pray for FGBMFI People

Pray for our International President Francis Owusu, that Our Heavenly Father may guide him, protect him, and that he always seeks the will of God before that of man.
Pray for the members of the cabinet, the staff, the regional vice presidents, the directors of special ministries, the international prayer coordinators, the international youth coordinators, the international directors, the national presidents and their boards of directors, for the chapter presidents and their boards of directors, and national coordinators, that they may become men, women and young people who listen to the voice of God and obey it. On FGBMFI Int'l click 'About Us' then scroll down to see the lists
Pray for the members, visitors and former visitors of the chapters.
Pray for the Presence of the Lord and His Manifest Power in our lives and events
Pray that our leaders and members adopt a humble, Christ-like attitude.
Pray for a proper handling of money matters.
Pray that our leaders and members be capable of reaching the youth and passing on the Vision to the next generations.

Pray for FGBMFI Special Projects

General prayer guidelines

Optionally have some praise songs throughout the prayer meeting.
Agree with all participants on the prayer subjects so that our Father in heaven does them. Matt. 18:19
Feel free to pick prayer subjects from the lists on this page in any order as you feel led by the Holy Spirit.
Keep on praying. Never give up! Luke 11:9-10 (NLT)

Open the prayer time

Greet the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus, God the Father, and angels that may be around you
Give thanks to God and praise Him Ps. 100:4 Ps. 48:1
Worship the Lord Ps. 95:6
Pray that God may pour out a spirit of grace and supplication on us. Zech. 12:10
Remove obstacles of sin by confessing and asking God for forgiveness and restoration :

"Father, we have made mistakes. We have left undone things that ought to be done. And we have done things we ought not to have done. Lord, we ask for mercy and that You may restore us. And please grant us, Father, that we may from now on live a godly, righteous and sober life, for the glory of Your Holy Name. Amen." Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP).
(Online) BCP Search BCP in Google

Guidelines for GLOBAL PRAYER from our international leadership

Our spiritual strength, our spiritual revival, begins and ends WITH PRAYER. God is calling us to return to our spiritual roots, to our principles, and the heart of those first spiritual roots IS PRAYER.
FAST AND PRAY in your local chapters. FAST AND PRAY to seek God's will in your personal life. Allow the Holy Spirit to quicken your heart towards the next movement in your area. Seek God in the middle of the night.
Demos Shakarian
"The Vision Intensifies"

3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring into the king’s service some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility - 4 young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.
Daniel 1:3-4 (NIV)

6 Among those who were chosen were some from Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.
Daniel 1:6 (NIV)

In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom - 2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. 3 So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.

4 I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed:

“Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 5 we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. 6 We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land.

7 “Lord, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame - the people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, both near and far, in all the countries where you have scattered us because of our unfaithfulness to you. 8 We and our kings, our princes and our ancestors are covered with shame, Lord, because we have sinned against you. 9 The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him;

Daniel 9:1-9 (NIV)

My Presidency will be anchored on Prayer because the Lord has given the Fellowship the mandate to spiritually dismantle Territorial powers over Nations using prayers of Proclamations, Declarations and Intercession. He says he has given us the kingly anointing of Cyrus and the priestly anointing of Daniel to deal with the powers of this world, the modern Babylonian system.
Francis Owusu
International President

who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd
  and will accomplish all that I please;
he will say of Jerusalem, “Let it be rebuilt,”
  and of the temple, “Let its foundations be laid.”

Isaiah 44:28

“This is what the Lord says to his anointed,
  to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of
to subdue nations before him
  and to strip kings of their armor,
to open doors before him
  so that gates will not be shut:
I will go before you
  and will level the mountains;
I will break down gates of bronze
  and cut through bars of iron.

Isaiah 45:1-2 (NIV)

Just like King Cyrus whom God gave all the Nations of the world to, God has given us the Nations according to his word.
Ezra 1 (NIV) Psalm 2 (NIV)
Chapters have the anointing to be powerhouses where dark powers over Nations are dismantled through prayer to usher in Revival in the body of Christ.
Chapters are encouraged to intensify their prayers of Intercession, Proclamations and Declarations to bring Revival in the body of Christ.
Christ has made us kings and priests unto God and given this Fellowship the kingly anointing of Cyrus and the priestly anointing of Daniel to make Proclamations and Intercessions over Nations and territories.
GOD calls us to establish, declare, proclaim in the spiritual order and see the fruits in the material order, the full gospel in front of us in every nation.

Guidelines and prayer from the book A NEW WAVE OF REVIVAL - THE VISION INTENSIFIED written by our founder Demos Shakarian

Photo of the cover of the book THE VISION INTENSIFIED "A New Wave Of Revival" is about to EXPLODE within the body of Christ. The powerful miracle VISION God gave me for the fellowship, and the world, is not over...


We haven't seen anything yet! God's VISION WILL INTENSIFY in an increasingly powerful wave of His Glory!

Open your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to perform spiritual surgery on your spirit today.

God is seeking a PREPARED people to serve Him in POWER.

ONLY through the HOLY SPIRIT God will take us POWERFULLY into the future. Our careful planning will not change the world. Our well-structured, world-wide organization will not save one soul. All of our meetings, conversations, seminars, and money mean nothing...

Without the POWER of the Holy Spirit!

We must once again become yielded, obedient, PREPARED vessels, willing to seek God in prayer and fasting, and willing to do what He wants us to do.

ONLY God, and the Power of His Holy Spirit, can make the fellowship ALIVE and VITAL.

Our SPIRITUAL ROOTS, and our POWER, come only from one source, and that is the power of the Holy Spirit.

A DIVINE PATTERN has emerged.

1. God does not need large numbers to launch His Work! He only needs a faithful few in each place.

2. God does not look at the circumstances and see the empty seats in a meeting. God only looks at the men who come. He seeks OPEN vessels, willing to PRAISE Him and seek His will.

3. Every chapter and every meeting is different. Let the Holy Spirit control the meeting. BE OPEN TO THE HOLY SPIRIT!



And He wants you PREPARED TO PARTICIPATE in His Plan.

God will set us apart, and release a new, MIGHTY OUTPOURING of His Holy Spirit. It is time to give the devil a few more black eyes.

It is time to GET OUR EYES OFF OF THE PAST! It is time to stop talking about how much we have accomplished, and start prayerfully seeking God on WHAT HE WANTS TO DO NOW and WHAT HE WANTS FOR THE FUTURE!

No matter what men does, God's Plan will be fulfilled!


The Lord says :

"Son, I'm waiting for you. I gave you Myself, I gave you My authority, I gave you My ability, I gave you everything I can give you, I can't give you anymore, GO, DO."

People need to know the reality of Jesus. Men and women are still alone - bound in spiritual chains. They are hungry for food they have never tasted. They are thirsty for living waters they have never experienced. They are searching for a AN EXPERIENCE FROM GOD. And He has an endless supply of food, water, clothing, compassion, and LOVE. He only needs vessels who are PREPARED and willing to OBEY to set these Spiritual CAPTIVES free! He is not looking for our clever ability, our world-wide organization, or our method of approach to taking the world. He only needs our willingness to HEAR and OBEY His will. The Holy Spirit will supply ALL the rest.

God challenges you to actually INCREASE AND INTENSIFY your service as a spiritual leader in HIS NEW WAVE OF REVIVAL.

Today is THE DAY. Yesterday is over! Everything that has gone before is done, and everything that is to come depends SOLELY on our obedience to God.

The mandate from God is that we BREAK THE CHAINS OF BONDAGE in the world. Our mandate is to DESTROY THE ISOLATION OF LONELINESS, and LINK THE WORLD TO GOD!

Stand up, let the power of God flow through you, and revive a dying world with the message, and the PROOF PRODUCING POWER of Jesus Christ!

Our spiritual strength, and our spiritual revival, begins and ends with PRAYER. God is calling us back to our early spiritual roots, our early beginnings, and the core of those early spiritual roots is PRAYER.

FAST AND PRAY in your local chapters. FAST AND PRAY for God's will in your personal life. Let the Holy Spirit quicken to your heart the next move in your area. Seek God in the middle of the night.

Seek God for your own life. He will come in. Call upon God to release A NEW WAVE OF REVIVAL in your own life in your own chapter, in your own convention, in every meeting.


Wait upon His voice in your life - and when you hear it, then ACT, GO. DO.

The Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International must NEVER become just "another club," "another meeting," "another organization."

Seek God, obey His will, and you too will experience a fresh move of the Holy Spirit.

PREPARE yourself for the intensified vision through increased daily prayer, fasting, and by making time for God - seeking His voice.

We need the power of the Holy Ghost in the chapters. Invite the Holy Spirit to come, he'll come.

Conventions must be more open to a flow from God. GOD ALONE CAN CHANGE OUR WORLD - all we can do is prepare ourselves to serve as God's vessels.

God is the One that anoints. If we are under His anointing, and under the power of His Holy Spirit, then nothing can stop us.


In my original Vision, God did not show me a large worldwide chapter headquarters. Don't misunderstand me. I am grateful for that building - we need it, and God provided it. But let's be honest with each other. The beautiful building was not the Vision God gave to me. Building the building did not fulfill the Vision - it simply provided us with another tool to minister that Vision.

In my original Vision, God did not show me chapters. And again, don't misunderstand me. Chapters have provided us with another way to reach out into the community with the saving message of Jesus Christ. Chapters have proven to be anointed vessels for ministering to the local community.

But beloved, the Vision is people.

The Vision is God's Holy Spirit changing lives.

The Vision is God BREAKING THE CHAINS OF THE DEVIL and setting the captive free!

Let's get our eyes back on Jesus. He is the source of our power. He is the source of our strength, and through Him, never doubt for one second that we will bring light to a dark, dank, lonely world.

Together, let us now unite in the Spirit.

Start your preparation for the FUTURE by saying this prayer, out loud, to our Almighty God, today:

"Heavenly Father,

We thank You for all that you have done - through our lives, and through the ministry of the fellowship. But whatever has been accomplished to date... we now know it is only a glimmer, a glimpse of the future, of what is STILL to be done through the power of Your Holy Spirit.

Lord, we stand ready and willing to serve.

We are willing to pray, to fast, and to seek Your will in our lives, no matter what the cost. You are Lord. You are Master, and it is YOU ALONE we shall serve.

Heavenly Father, forgive us if sometimes our eyes have focused on men, on chapters, or on buildings. We ask that you will help us FOCUS ONLY ON YOU and Your mandates for our lives. We realize YOU ALONE are our hope - and without the power of the Holy Spirit, nothing we can do will ever save one solitary soul.

Lord, we ask that You use us as vessels to help fulfill your vision. Allow us to break the BONDAGE OF SIN in the lives of our neighbors, and in the lives of millions of the people around the world. Help us melt the ICE COLD death of Satan from lost souls, and transform them into children of LIGHT through Your saving grace.

Lord, we give You ALL the honor and the glory for the revelations You have shown us, and thank You, in the name of Jesus Christ, for what You are about to do to change face of this world.


Click the button to download this book or read it online.

Guidelines and prayer from the book BEHOLD THE GLORY OF GOD! written by our founder Demos Shakarian

Photo of the cover of the book BEHOLD THE GLORY OF GOD! I see a time when the intensity of God's glory will dominate our Fellowship meetings and conferences.

We will soon witness an increasing intensity of God's glory!

But the path to these heavenly experiences here on earth is not easy.

The only way to God's glory is through holiness.

Holiness is not a very popular message, but it is the scriptural truth!

What moves God, and what allows Him to unleash His glory, is our being cleansed by the blood of Jesus, yielded in our hearts as servants to Him, living pure lives... then God wil pour out His power and glory upon us!

When you receive the glory of the Lord in your life, He will meet your every need. He'll heal your body. He'll heal your hurts. He'll change your life.

In the Old Testament days, the way to become pure and holy was through a blood sacrifice.

Through the presence of a priest, an offering was presented before God.

Praise and worship created an atmosphere that literally prepared the temple for the habitation of God's glory.

Exodus 40:34-35 KJ21 2 Chronicles 5:11-14 KJ21

Today God still expects us to be pure and holy.

But He has a new, superior way to shower His blessings upon us - it's called Grace.

The Mosaic Law asked for internal change, but it did not produce that change.

By contrast, through grace, God administers His eternal, moral absolutes in an internal manner.

A "new nature" is produced by an internal change through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Christians today no longer need to give a blood sacrifice.

God DEMANDS holiness, but man can NEVER make himself holy.

That's why God sent His Son.

And He was sacrificed on the cross.

Through this blood sacrifice Jesus cleansed our sins.

Today, the animal sacrifice has been replaced by the blood of Jesus.

The external temple has been relocated into our hearts.

Each of us is now ordained king and priest and to personally interact with God!

Today, because the Old Law has been replaced with the New Law, we can expect to see the greatest manifestation of the glory of God in the spiritual history of man!

Hebrews 10:19-20 KJ21 Revelation 1:5-6 KJ21

Jesus now waits, willing and ready, to appear in the presence of God for us.

God wants to send His glory into our meetings with such power and presence that our people will not be able to stand! But before that happens, we must let His blood wash our sins and hearts.

Open your heart to him, totally and completely, today.

God can use His glory to bring witness to the heathens, and He can use His glory to prosper and bless you, and heal your body.

God wants to send MORE of His power, His anointing, and His glory into our lives.

Praise Him constantly.

Prepare yourself for your chapter meetings, your conventions, and your airlifts by spending time in prayer and worship.

When we sanctify ourselves, God will manifest Himself in Glory!

Repent now of every single sin in your life.

Prepare to receive His overflowing Shekinah glory.

Hebrews 9:24 KJ21 Titus 2:11-14 KJV 1 Peter 2:9 KJ21 John 11:40 KJ21

Say this prayer out loud, with a willing heart, to our Lord and Savior, and allow Him to prepare you to behold the glory of God:

"O heavenly Father, I know there are certain sins in my life. I'm ready to kill them now. I'm ready to destroy them now.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I kill the idols in my life, ending this thing between you and me, and get rid of those things in my heart that for so long I have resisted destroying.
Lord, cover these sins with your precious blood, dear Jesus.
Forgive me my sins, Lord, purify and cleanse me, and let Your glory, let Your presence come into my life right now.
Lord, I open my heart to receive the power of God into my life.
I receive healing.
I receive Your anointing now, in the name of Jesus.

Click the button to download this book or read it online.

Guidelines and prayer from the book THE ULTIMATE DIMENSION written by our founder Demos Shakarian

Photo of the cover of the book THE ULTIMATE DIMENSION I'm going to share with you an incredible revelation, a whole new dimension... a dimension so powerful, so staggering I call it THE ULTIMATE DIMENSION.

When just one person reaches God's ULTIMATE DIMENSION, he or she will be able to do more than an entire army of ordinary Christian soldiers.

The time is short and God is looking for a few dedicated, passionate people whom he can trust with His ULTIMATE DIMENSION to give the world one final chance to accept Him as Saviour.

God has a plan, a worldwide work to accomplish and He intends to EMPOWER HIS PEOPLE to fulfill that plan.

When Jesus ascended into heaven, we entered into yet another relationship, a new dimension.

The Holy Spirit came ...dwelling in each person who seeks Him and desires His presence.

What a powerful dimension.

In this new dimension, each person can personally hear God speak, and have the Holy Spirit dwell within him every minute of everyday.

But there is yet a more intensified spiritual dimension awaiting us!

In this endtimes, God is seeking a special people who will not be satisfied with anything less than the ultimate that God Himself has to offer.

The starting place for that ultimate dimension ... is a decision.

Do you want to have more of God in your life?

If you do, then you must be willing to sacrifice and pay the price.

Through the ultimate dimension, we are challenged to strive for a perfect ONENESS-WITH-JESUS... a total unity with God.

When we become totally ONE-WITH-GOD, the world will stand amazed at the miracles we will perform, for we will speak words that will calm storms and have faith to move mountains!

The ultimate Dimension is to be one-with-Jesus so that we can live as he did, knowing the will of the Father and willing to sacrifice all to achieve that divinely ordained purpose.

If we desire to be ONE-WITH-GOD, and wish to have His knowledge, His faith, and His power, then we must also be ready to yield everything we have and everything we are to Him, and be willing to sacrifice even as He sacrificed.

Remember, God sacrificed His only Son!

If we are to be ONE-WITH-GOD, nothing we possess, or hope to possess, can ever be so precious that we are unwilling to sacrifice it.

To be prepared in a special way for this endtime hour, we too must be ready and willing to suffer and sacrifice all for Him!


As we walk in that dimension, we will...


To achieve that ultimate dimension demands...


The Ultimate Dimension is available to anyone who desires it, but will come only through our dedication, sacrifice, and willingness to obey.

Our challenge is to seek and do God's Will, not our own, no matter the cost.

Sufferings are part of the spiritual package.

There is something most of us have missed for much of our Christians life, an essence deep within us that few have come to know or understand; Scripture call it, "the spirit man" (1 Corinthians 2:11), the great "I am" seated deep within every man, just waiting to come alive.

In the Ultimate Dimension, that spirit man comes to life and we become ONE-WITH-HIM so that our inward witness becomes an outward manifestation of His supernatural power and radiance.

God came once to live among us. He gave His Holy Spirit to live within us. Now, He desires for us to be one-with-Him.

We need to realize that our lives are constantly on the very edge of eternity. God came to us, from out of eternity into time, so that we might know Him, and one day soon go from time into eternity.

Ask the Lord to help you see past your daily circumstances of paychecks and other consuming needs, and to give you an ever-increasing relationship with Jesus as your consuming passion.
Passion and vision... that’s the difference between Christians little used and Christians mightily used.

Passion and vision make the difference. We must want to be one-with-Jesus more than anything else.

It is our lack of passion for Christ that keeps us from breaking down barriers and becoming one-with-Christ.

We must want to be one-with-Jesus more than anything else in our world.

You can have the Ultimate Dimension at the very moment that your all-consuming passion is to be...


I believe a day will come when our walk with God is so close that, like Moses, our faces will glow with a supernatural light.

Begin to pray right now that God will give you the desire, the passion, the all-consuming drive to be ONE-WITH-JESUS.

When a group of men and women who are all ONE-WITH-CHRIST come together, there will be unity in their midst because they derive their lives from the Spirit of God!

If we are speaking the words of Jesus, then we will be UNITED IN PURPOSE, POWER, AND PASSION!

In these endtimes, God is calling for a special people who would be ONE-WITH-GOD, a people who cannot be separated from Him though they be hated by the world and persecuted by their friends or family.

Men and women walking in "The Ultimate Dimension" will manifest EXPLOSIVE SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGHS to parallel the explosive breakthroughs we are now seeing in science, technology, and even in man's finances.

God is telling us something... THE TIME IS NOW! Get ready!

He's about to unleash an explosion of QUANTUM BREAKTHROUGHS in our spiritual walk!

We will see EXPLOSIVE SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGHS in The Ultimate Dimension where one person will do more for God in this endtime hour than an entire army of ordinary soldiers!

We are to function in a power level even greater than Jesus manifested almost 2000 year ago!

Now is the time when God will raise up His special group of chosen people who are willing to suffer and sacrifice to become one-with-God until the MAGNITUDE and INTENSITY of their endtime witness will produce a QUANTUM BREAKHTHROUGH REVIVAL the likes of which this world cannot even imagine!

God is seeking and preparing a special endtime people, a people willing and ready to make quantum-breakthroughs in their spiritual lives.

The time is here for MAJOR spiritual breakthroughs for God's people... a time when we will better understand the things of God, a time to see great visions, to possess enormous miracle power, and to witness like the early church martyrs.

A walk in the Ultimate Dimension requires modern-day men and women willing to change and utilize all the technology and science available to bring the message to a dying world.

We must use every single resource with passion and enthusiasm if we are to impact this world before Jesus comes again!

Be open to change. Let Jesus be your life. Be willing to give all you have to Him so that He can give His all to you.

ABIDE IN JESUS, LET HIS WORDS ABIDE IN YOU... THEN ask for the sick to be healed, THEN pray for financial blessings, and you will be blessed, THEN seek family restitution, and your family will be restored!

I believe this Fellowship can walk in the Ultimate Dimension if we just put aside any differences between us and yield ourselves totally to Him right NOW.

Become one of God's chosen servants in the Ultimate Dimension. So right now, in the Spirit, let's agree in prayer for your breakthrough:

"Heavenly Father!

We thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to walk with us.

We thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to live within us. And now Lord, we thank You for allowing us to become ONE with You, to walk in Your power, to operate in Your wisdom, and to perform Your miracles so we might be mighty endtime witnesses for Your glory!

Lord, we ask in a very specific way that You empower us so that we desire You above all else, so that we are willing to suffer and sacrifice for Your glory, and so that we might serve you in this endtime generation.

Lord, we love You, and praise You. And give You all the glory for everything You will do through our life.


(The 3rd paragraph is slightly adapted from the original written by Demos.)

Click the button to download this book or read it online.

Guidelines and prayer from the book DIVINE LIFE written by our founder Demos Shakarian

Photo of the cover of the book DIVINE LIFE God is setting the stage for a new wave of His Shekinah Glory to sweep across Europe and the globe!

God gives us the privilege of walking in a personal, intimate relationship with Him.

God says "I have given you everything I can give. I have given you the authority of Jesus and His anointing. There is nothing else you need. Take His authority and go forward."

"I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in Me and I in Him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without Me ye can do nothing." (verse 5)
John 15:1-12 (KJ21)



Demos believed it is possible to live in complete union with Jesus, to walk in divine life.

If your current day-to-day experience with Jesus is not as strong as it was in the early days of your salvation, the reason for the vacuum and the void is simple... YOU HAVE WANDERED AWAY FROM HIM.

That is not intended as a form of condemnation, but only as a statement of spiritual reality. God NEVER leaves us - we leave God through our sin and lack of relationship with Him.

Jesus said "Abide IN me," not "Abide WITH me."

Jesus is not just the main stem of the vine. He is the complete vine, including the branches. We are part of Jesus.


"If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." (John 15:7)

Prayer is both one of the means and one of the fruits of divine life with Christ.

Our prayer ascends as HIS prayer because we will pray in accordance to the will of God.

You dare to claim an answer because you know that you are one with Him.

We get rest when we abide in Him and do only what He wills.

Jesus laid down one simple condition in our vine relationship for us to follow : abide.

Sap (the Holy Spirit) flows from the vine to the branches, to carry it forward and produce fruit.

If we abide we can ask anything.

Abiding needs no effort. It is being at rest.

If you are not on the vine you dry up.

Connect to the vine so you can produce.
Fellowship with God is vital. If your relationship is broken, immediately take the steps necessary to restore it. Connect to the vine so you can produce. God does not want to cut you off. Repent. Come back to God.

"Heavenly Father, I repent of my sins, and desire to restore my relationship with You. Lord, forgive me of all my sins, and wash me clean with Your precious blood. Lord, I want to learn to rest in You and walk in Your divine life. Please accept my contrite heart, and teach me Your ways. Amen."

Possess Jesus, dwell in Him, make Him your life. Only in a deeper searching into Him will you find the knowledge and guidance you desire.

Let the Holy Spirit lead you.

With God divine life is possible.

Abide in Him as the only life we seek.

Have faith that He will watch over you.

Nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Abide in Him one day at a time.

Take time for Jesus every day.
There is a spot where safety and victory, peace and rest are always sure. That spot is always open to you : the heart of Jesus. Yield yourself to Him now.

Say this prayer.

"Lord, I abide in You. At your bidding I gladly wear Your yoke. Let each consciousness of failure only give new urgency to the command, and teach me to listen more earnestly than ever until the Holy Spirit again gives me to hear the voice of Jesus saying, with a love and authority that inspire both hope and obedience, 'Child, abide in me.'"

"Lord, I receive Your divine life, and gladly accept the ever-increasing simplicity of its meaning. Lord, I freely give of myself to be ruled and taught and led, and rest in the arms of Your everlasting love."

You do not need to be strong or perfect.

Divine life is simply our own weakness entrusting ourselves to a Mighty One.

Let Him do all for us, in us, and through us.

Only Jesus can help us stay away from sin.

We are a branch of Jesus, the True Vine, abiding in Him, resting on Him, waiting for Him, serving Him, and living only in Him, so that He may give His fruit to a perishing world.

The ultimate objective of the divine life relationship is to produce fruit.

We become powerful witnesses.

We produce Christ-like relationships with others.

Fruit is a natural result of being a part of the vine.

Because of faith we can endure the pruning.

Let your light shine. Be a blessing to others.

Keep your heart right with God.

All things are yours because you are part of the vine.

The purpose of the divine life is that we can produce fruit and be witnesses to the world.

His nature, love, will be continually manifested in us.
Lift up your hands and thank God for the depth, the fullness and the eternity of His divine love for your life. Open your heart to the divine life that Christ is offering to you right now.

Fervently pray this simple petition to the Heavenly Father :

"Heavenly Father, this day I ask You to destroy any evidence or remaining remnant of the old man in my life. Purify me and cleanse me of all my old habits and sinful ways, so that I may be a pure branch for Your love to flow through to produce fruit for Your glory."

"Lord, I thank You for the opportunity to walk in a vine-branch relationship that produces divine life, and give You all the praise and glory for any good works You may unfold through my humble life. I ask that when others see me, they see You also."

"Lord, thank You for first loving me."

"I pray You will, each day, through Your Holy Spirit, increase the intensity of my love for You until that precious time when You will come again to rule and reign over this world! Amen."

Click the button to download this book or read it online.

Guidelines and prayer from the book Come Let Us EXALT HIM written by our founder Demos Shakarian

Photo of the cover of the book Come Let Us EXALT HIM In his own time of intense praise and worship the Spirit of God said to Demos:

1. Tell the men to exalt Jesus.

2. Start airlifts within the cities of the United States.

God said : "If the men will exalt Me, I will pour out My Spirit upon them unlike anything they have ever experienced before."

God is calling us to exalt Jesus with all of our hearts, no matter how angry the enemy gets, no matter how strongly the devil tries to stone us for our intensified praise and worship!

Let us come together in one spirit and proclaim, Come Let Us Exalt Him.

When we exalt our Father, when we exalt King Jesus, when we exalt His precious Holy Spirit, we begin to experience sacred glimpses into His nature and ministry, and our souls and hearts somehow become miraculously filled with His divine love.

Christ was and is more than enough for every emergency.

No matter what you face, begin to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ with a pure and repentant heart and He will give you victory over your circumstances.

Jesus told of the coming and the purpose of the Holy Spirit, concluding with the significant phrase "HE (the Holy Spirit) SHALL GLORIFY ME."
John 16:7-14 (KJ21)

Jesus picked ordinary laymen to lead His flock. Rough men. Unrefined. Working people. Lay people, in the upper room, were humbling themselves before their exalted God.

Pentecost happened because the apostles gathered in one accord to pray and exalt Jesus.

Watch closely in this endtime hour.

The same miraculous manifestation of the Holy Spirit is about to be released in our day in a way unlike any we have ever seen before. It will be released through the same attitude as the disciples manifested at Pentecost - an attitude of prayer and praise and exaltation above all to the mighty King and Creator of the Universe!

In the Old Testament, wherever Elijah went, Elisha would follow.

Elisha wanted Elijah's mantle, and through his faithfulness he received it.

We must refuse to leave the side of the Master.

We must be prepared to go any where at any time for God! We must go all the way with God. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and keep following Him.

We are now at a place in the Fellowship where God is challenging us. God wants to do something for us, but we have got to do something before He acts.

We must repent.

Love Him.

Desire the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for it.

Praise Him for it.

We must begin to prayerfully seek God as we never have before.

We must exalt Him in every thing that we do, with absolutely no concern for ourselves.

America is a nation that is decaying beyond belief at an unprecedented pace. God is crying out for America to return to Him. One of the special reasons God raised up this Fellowship is our airlifts. Airlifts must explode in America - as we have never seen before.

Start lifting up your voices in FGBMFI Chapters everywhere; all around the world, begin to glorify God; as you do, He will honor your hearts, He will visit with you in His supernatural power, supercharging and energizing you for the challenging task of reaching lost souls in our endtime ministry.

You will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. You will say to that mountain, "Move," and it will move.

God is not through. The Church will be stronger now than when it first started. A powerful move of the Holy Spirit is coming! God wants a witness. A holy, pure, righteous witness for His glory! Sin Must Stop!

To receive power today, you and I must repent and be humble. No false pride or sense of self-importance.

To be ready to receive endtime anointing, you must first get down on your knees every morning and exalt the God of the universe with every fiber of your being, to praise His Holy Name with your mouth and your heart, and desperately seek everything your God has to give, asking Him to pour out His Holy Spirit on your life.

When God is absolutely your number one priority, and not someone you sandwich between business appointments and television shows, THEN He will manifest Himself in your life in a way you never imagined possible.

The most important thing a child of God can do is to EXALT THE LORD!
Please join me in your spirit and say this prayer :

Oh Lord, thank You for Your Holy Spirit. We exalt You. Jesus, Your word is so precious. Thank you for men like Stephen who, though they killed him, was so involved in praising You that I honestly do not think he felt one moment of pain. You let him see part of heaven so he could look up and see You at the right hand of the Father.

You are exalted all the way to the Father, all the way to the throne. You are sitting on Your heavenly throne right now, hearing and receiving our prayers.

Lord, help us. Bless us. Open new thoughts in our minds as to what You want. We love You, Jesus. Thank You for the privilege You have given us all these years to work for You. We just love you so much. We cannot thank you enough.

Give us the burden to do something more for You, Father God. There's so much more to be done. Give us the burden and Your empowering to accomplish every task You set before us. We want to do everything we can to glorify and exalt Your Name before Jesus comes once again.


Worship and exaltation of God are not options; they are the highest priority in God's Word.

Exodus 20:2-3 (KJ21) Mark 12:29-30 (KJ21)

We cannot hold back in our own worship. We must recognize that worship and exaltation are not options in our lives - they are a command from the living God - to place Him first in the universe, above all else - even our own families!

You cannot worship in a passive manner. Worship requires the best we have to offer. Worship is not a cheap or casual action.

Worship means to give worth back to God, to reverently bow before Him on the ground as an outward sign of reverence and give Him the glory that He alone deserves.

Revelation 4:9-11 (KJ21)

Praise, exaltation and worship are God's first priorities. If the Holy Spirit is going to pour Himself out on us in this endtime hour, then praise, exaltation and worship must also be OUR priorities. The Holy Spirit will pour Himself out upon us when our priorities are in order.

Praise and worship are the keys to spiritual warfare. Worship and warfare go together.

Worship and praise are tools for spiritual warfare.

If you are currently under pressure, immediately begin to play some worship music in your home and JOIN IN THE WORSHIP by singing out loud to the Lord!

God is looking for men willing to risk ALL. Do you want to have more of God in your life? If you do, then you must be willing to sacrifice and pray and praise. That is the start of releasing God's special plan for this endtime hour.

Passion and vision - birthed through prayer and praise - that is the difference between Christians little used and Christians used mightily.

Prayer and praise bring us into oneness with Jesus.

Put yourself on the altar and sacrifice your every personal need to His supreme will.

It is time to enter into and experience the very courts of heaven.

Psalm 100:4 (KJ21)

The fullness of the Pentecostal power is just ahead. The completeness of His outpouring is yet to come. The church dispensation began with the upper-room and it will finish with an upper room experience.
If you believe there is coming a time when God will shake cities, when the winds of revival will roar up the road again, when God's full Shekinah glory will pour out on all who are ready to receive it through their prayer and praise, then unite with me right now, in the Spirit, and let's agree in prayer that you experience the reality of Pentecost in your life today:

"Heavenly Father, we thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to walk with us. We thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to live within us. And now, Lord, we thank You for allowing us to become ONE with You, to walk in Your power, to operate in Your wisdom, and to perform Your miracles so we may be mighty endtime witnesses for Your glory!

Lord, accept our praises. We exalt You in everything we do. We ask now in a very specific way that You empower us with a desire to seek You above all else, so that we are willing to sacrifice for Your glory, and so that we might serve in this endtime generation.

Lord, we love You, praise You, exalt You, and give You all the glory for everything You will do through each of our lives. Amen."

Click the button to download this book or read it online.

Info about the world

Number of countries

Worldometer mentions there are 195 countries in the world today, of which 193 are member states of the United Nations. See worldOmeter.

Other sources also include dependencies, or disputed territories, thereby reaching for example 253 countries. Click here to search Google for "how many countries in the world"....

Number of peoples

OPERATION WORLD mentions the following.
The Joshua Project lists 16,350 distinct peoples; the World Christian Database lists 13,674 peoples. Both of these are based on an understanding of groups on an ethnolinguistic basis, transnational peoples being counted multiple times.
Info from the Operation World DVD-ROM 2010, www.operationworld.org.

Number of languages

OPERATION WORLD mentions the following.
Ethnologue (2009 figures): 6,909 languages.
The World Christian Encyclopedia: 13,511 languages and 30,000 dialects.
Global Recordings Network estimates over 10,000 spoken languages and dialects.
Info from the Operation World DVD-ROM 2010, www.operationworld.org.

Other sources speak of over 7,000 officially known languages in the world. Click here to search Google for "how many languages in the world"....

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